is a community-driven effort and is not affiliated with the official Hotwire project. Click here to learn more »


Basic frame

Confines all navigation within the frame by expecting any followed link or form submission to return a response including a matching frame tag:

<turbo-frame id="messages">
  <a href="/messages/expanded">
    Show all expanded messages in this frame.

  <form action="/messages">
    Show response from this form within this frame.

Eager-loaded frame

Works like the basic frame, but the content is loaded from a remote src first.

<turbo-frame id="messages" src="/messages">
  Content will be replaced when /messages has been loaded.

Lazy-loaded frame

Like an eager-loaded frame, but the content is not loaded from src until the frame is visible.

<turbo-frame id="messages" src="/messages" loading="lazy">
  Content will be replaced when the frame becomes visible and /messages has been loaded.

Frame targeting the whole page by default

<turbo-frame id="messages" target="_top">
  <a href="/messages/1">
    Following link will replace the whole page, not this frame.

  <a href="/messages/1" data-turbo-frame="_self">
    Following link will replace just this frame.

  <form action="/messages">
    Submitting form will replace the whole page, not this frame.

Frame with overwritten navigation targets

<turbo-frame id="messages">
  <a href="/messages/1">
    Following link will replace this frame.

  <a href="/messages/1" data-turbo-frame="_top">
    Following link will replace the whole page, not this frame.

  <form action="/messages" data-turbo-frame="navigation">
    Submitting form will replace the navigation frame.

Frame that promotes navigations to Visits

<turbo-frame id="messages" data-turbo-action="advance">
  <a href="/messages?page=2">Advance history to next page</a>
  <a href="/messages?page=2" data-turbo-action="replace">Replace history with next page</a>

Frame that will get reloaded with morphing during page refreshes

<turbo-frame id="my-frame" refresh="morph">

Attributes, properties, and functions

The <turbo-frame> element is a custom element with its own set of HTML
attributes and JavaScript properties.

HTML Attributes

  • src accepts a URL or path value that controls navigation
    of the element

  • loading has two valid enumerated values: “eager” and “lazy”. When
    loading="eager", changes to the src attribute will immediately navigate
    the element. When loading="lazy", changes to the src attribute will defer
    navigation until the element is visible in the viewport. The default value is eager.

  • busy is a boolean attribute toggled to be present when a
    <turbo-frame>-initiated request starts, and toggled false when the request

  • disabled is a boolean attribute that prevents any navigation when

  • target refers to another <turbo-frame> element by ID to be navigated when
    a descendant <a> is clicked. When target="_top", navigate the window.

  • complete is a boolean attribute whose presence or absence indicates whether
    or not the <turbo-frame> element has finished navigating.

  • autoscroll is a boolean attribute that controls whether or not to scroll
    a <turbo-frame> element (and its descendant <turbo-frame> elements) into
    view when after loading. Control the scroll’s vertical alignment by setting the
    data-autoscroll-block attribute to a valid Element.scrollIntoView({ block:
    “…” })
    value: one of "end", "start", "center",
    or "nearest". When data-autoscroll-block is absent, the default value is
    "end". Control the scroll’s behavior by setting the
    data-autoscroll-behavior attribute to a valid Element.scrollIntoView({
    “…” })
    value: one of "auto", or "smooth".
    When data-autoscroll-behavior is absent, the default value is "auto".


All <turbo-frame> elements can be controlled in JavaScript environments
through instances of the FrameElement class.

  • FrameElement.src controls the pathname or URL to be loaded. Setting the src
    property will immediately navigate the element. When FrameElement.loaded is
    set to "lazy", changes to the src property will defer navigation until the
    element is visible in the viewport.

  • FrameElement.disabled is a boolean property that controls whether or not the
    element will load

  • FrameElement.loading controls the style (either "eager" or "lazy") that
    the frame will loading its content.

  • FrameElement.loaded references a Promise instance that resolves once the
    FrameElement‘s current navigation has completed.

  • FrameElement.complete is a read-only boolean property set to true when the
    FrameElement has finished navigating and false otherwise.

  • FrameElement.autoscroll controls whether or not to scroll the element into
    view once loaded

  • FrameElement.isActive is a read-only boolean property that indicates whether
    or not the frame is loaded and ready to be interacted with

  • FrameElement.isPreview is a read-only boolean property that returns true
    when the document that contains the element is a preview.


  • FrameElement.reload() is a function that reloads the frame element from its src.