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Turbo emits a variety of Custom Events types, dispatched from the following

When using jQuery, the data on the event must be accessed as $event.originalEvent.detail.


Turbo Drive emits events that allow you to track the navigation life cycle and respond to page loading. Except where noted, the following events fire on the document.documentElement object (i.e., the <html> element).


Fires when you click a Turbo-enabled link. The clicked element is the Access the requested location with event.detail.url. Cancel this event to let the click fall through to the browser as normal navigation.

event.detail property Type Description
url string the requested location
originalEvent MouseEvent the original click event


Fires before visiting a location, except when navigating by history. Access the requested location with event.detail.url. Cancel this event to prevent navigation.

event.detail property Type Description
url string the requested location


Fires immediately after a visit starts. Access the requested location with event.detail.url and action with event.detail.action.

event.detail property Type Description
url string the requested location
action `“advance” \ “replace” \


Fires before Turbo saves the current page to cache.

Instances of turbo:before-cache events do not have an event.detail property.


Fires before rendering the page. Access the new <body> element with event.detail.newBody. Rendering can be canceled and continued with event.detail.resume (see Pausing Rendering). Customize how Turbo Drive renders the response by overriding the event.detail.render function (see Custom Rendering).

event.detail property Type Description
renderMethod `“replace” \ “morph”`
newBody HTMLBodyElement the new <body> element that will replace the document’s current <body> element
isPreview boolean whether or not the render is a preview of a cached page
resume (value?: any) => void called when Pausing Requests
render (currentBody, newBody) => void override to Customize Rendering


Fires after Turbo renders the page. This event fires twice during an application visit to a cached location: once after rendering the cached version, and again after rendering the fresh version.

event.detail property Type Description
renderMethod `“replace” \ “morph”`
isPreview boolean whether or not the render is a preview of a cached page


Fires once after the initial page load, and again after every Turbo visit.

event.detail property Type Description
url string the requested location
timing.visitStart number timestamp at the start of the Visit
timing.requestStart number timestamp at the start of the HTTP request for the next page
timing.requestEnd number timestamp at the end of the HTTP request for the next page
timing.visitEnd number timestamp at the end of the Visit

Page Refreshes

Turbo Drive emits events while morphing the page’s content.


Fires after Turbo morphs the page.

event.detail property Type Description
currentElement Element the original Element that remains connected after the morph (most commonly document.body)
newElement Element the Element with the new attributes and children that is not connected after the morph


Fires before Turbo morphs an element. The references the original element that will remain connected to the document. Cancel this event by calling event.preventDefault() to skip morphing and preserve the original element, its attributes, and its children.

event.detail property Type Description
newElement Element the Element with the new attributes and children that is not connected after the morph


Fires before Turbo morphs an element’s attributes. The references the original element that will remain connected to the document. Cancel this event by calling event.preventDefault() to skip morphing and preserve the original attribute value.

event.detail property Type Description
attributeName string the name of the attribute to be mutated
mutationType `“updated” \ “removed”`


Fires after Turbo morphs an element. The references the morphed element that remains connected after the morph.

event.detail property Type Description
newElement Element the Element with the new attributes and children that is not connected after the morph


Turbo Drive emits events during submission, redirection, and submission failure. The following events fire on the <form> element during submission.


Fires during a form submission. Access the FormSubmission object with event.detail.formSubmission. Abort form submission (e.g. after validation failure) with event.detail.formSubmission.stop(). Use event.originalEvent.detail.formSubmission.stop() if you’re using jQuery.

event.detail property Type Description
formSubmission FormSubmission the <form> element submission


Fires after the form submission-initiated network request completes. Access the FormSubmission object with event.detail.formSubmission along with FormSubmissionResult properties included within event.detail.

event.detail property Type Description
success boolean a boolean representing the request’s success
fetchResponse `FetchResponse \ null`
error Error or null null when success: true, present when success: false


Turbo Frames emit events during their navigation life cycle. The following events fire on the <turbo-frame> element.


Fires before rendering the <turbo-frame> element. Access the new <turbo-frame> element with event.detail.newFrame. Rendering can be canceled and continued with event.detail.resume (see Pausing Rendering). Customize how Turbo Drive renders the response by overriding the event.detail.render function (see Custom Rendering).

event.detail property Type Description
newFrame FrameElement the new <turbo-frame> element that will replace the current <turbo-frame> element
resume (value?: any) => void called when Pausing Requests
render (currentFrame, newFrame) => void override to Customize Rendering


Fires right after a <turbo-frame> element renders its view. The specific <turbo-frame> element is the Access the FetchResponse object with event.detail.fetchResponse property.

event.detail property Type Description
fetchResponse FetchResponse the HTTP request’s response


Fires when a <turbo-frame> element is navigated and finishes loading (fires after turbo:frame-render). The specific <turbo-frame> element is the

Instances of turbo:frame-load events do not have an event.detail property.


Fires when the response to a <turbo-frame> element request does not contain a matching <turbo-frame> element. By default, Turbo writes an informational message into the frame and throws an exception. Cancel this event to override this handling. You can access the Response instance with event.detail.response, and perform a visit by calling event.detail.visit(location, visitOptions) (see Turbo.visit to learn more about VisitOptions).

event.detail property Type Description
response Response the HTTP response for the request initiated by a <turbo-frame> element
visit `async (location: string \ URL, visitOptions: VisitOptions) => void`


Turbo Streams emit events during their life cycle. The following events fire on the <turbo-stream> element.


Fires before rendering a Turbo Stream page update. Access the new <turbo-stream> element with event.detail.newStream. Customize the element’s behavior by overriding the event.detail.render function (see Custom Actions).

event.detail property Type Description
newStream StreamElement the new <body> element that will replace the document’s current <body> element
render async (currentElement) => void override to define Custom Actions

HTTP Requests

Turbo emits events when fetching content over HTTP. Depending on the what
initiated the request, the events could fire on:

  • a <turbo-frame> during its navigation
  • a <form> during its submission
  • the <html> element during a page-wide Turbo Visit


Fires before Turbo issues a network request (to fetch a page, submit a form, preload a link, etc.). Access the requested location with event.detail.url and the fetch options object with event.detail.fetchOptions. This event fires on the respective element (<turbo-frame> or <form> element) which triggers it and can be accessed with property. Request can be canceled and continued with event.detail.resume (see Pausing Requests).

event.detail property Type Description
fetchOptions RequestInit the options used to construct the Request
url URL the request’s location
resume (value?: any) => void callback called when Pausing Requests


Fires after the network request completes. Access the fetch options object with event.detail. This event fires on the respective element (<turbo-frame> or <form> element) which triggers it and can be accessed with property.

event.detail property Type Description
fetchResponse FetchResponse the HTTP request’s response


Fires before Turbo prefetches a link. The link is the Cancel this event to prevent prefetching.


Fires when a form or frame fetch request fails due to network errors. This event fires on the respective element (<turbo-frame> or <form> element) which triggers it and can be accessed with property. This event can be canceled.

event.detail property Type Description
request FetchRequest The HTTP request that failed
error Error provides the cause of the failure